

AI art generator based on Stable Diffusion. Their website describes them as "an independent research laboratory exploring new mediums of thought and developing the imaginative powers of the human species."

Why use Midjourney ?

MidJourney is an AI system that generates images from given texts. Its team describes itself as an independent research lab exploring new forms of thinking to expand the human imagination. This AI, trained on many images, distinguishes itself by favoring artistic style over reality. Version 3.0 incorporates a feedback system based on user activities and reactions, improving image quality based on user preferences.

Key benefits of Midjourney

MidJourney is also used for therapeutic purposes by 20% of users, who use it to reflect on emotional and intellectual issues.



Discover Midjourney now

Logo generator for your company or side project. Ideal to get inspired before moving on to creation.
Elevenlabs : Découvrez comment créer des voix naturelles à l'aide de l'IA dans n'importe quelle langue. Un outil parfait à intégrer dans votre travail, votre quotidien ou pour s'amuser !
A platform for you to access and understand research papers. With paper summaries and direct pdf links, you'll never have to struggle with tedious downloads again. Built with a GPT wizard to help you along.

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