A digital support dedicated to the growth of your company VSE/SME Startups.
A concentrate of good humor (and knowledge) to accompany your growth.
Having good ideas badly presented is a shame
The equation is quite simple:
1 page = 1 search intent = 1 main keyword
So the more content you have... The better chance you have of ranking on a large number of queries and getting traffic to your site.
That being said, here goes 10 other good reasons to use a web editor :
Transparency and budget control writing at each stage.
A multi-skilled team to go further: e-commerce writing, blog writing and social media writing.
Competitive Analysis, search for relevant keywords, detailed drafting plan... A well-practiced project management !
From editorial content that reflects you The editorial team adopts your voice and your tone!
Performance analysis, adjustment and intelligent investment throughout the project.
Understand where you are, what your goals and needs are, and what copywriting service will best benefit your site.
We are committed to making a clear proposal, with concrete and clearly explained objectives.
Analyze and understand to define the steps of your growth, and conquer positions on search engines, while proposing a clear and attractive content for your customers.
Creation of the story telling and content so that it is uniform and attractive to your customers and prospects.
Optimize existing content: users first, Google later. Technique and magic to make it all work!
Performance monitoring, results analysis and adjustments: a real-time and scalable strategy to keep progressing.
Working languages
Education & Early Childhood Specialists
E-commerce jedis
You can learn to write for the web! Hn tags, structure, best practices, use of the passive voice, meshing, lexical field, semantic cocoon, keyword research, content plan... It's a job!
There aren't enough 24 hours in a day! Copywriting can take a lot of time, leave it to a web writer who has the techniques and expertise. That's more time you can dedicate to your own expertise!
The advantage of delegating is that you are not the one doing it anymore. As a result, it is (much) faster. Using a web writer allows you to generate traffic and qualified leads faster. Quality and optimized content is essential to generate more traffic and visitor engagement, which in turn contributes to brand awareness and visibility. All in all, a wonderful virtuous circle!
Here we are: KPIs, ROIs... finally, you want to know if your investment is worth it. Again, the equation is pretty simple:
More content/better content = more traffic = more conversions (purchases, appointment setting, sign-ups, etc.) = more revenue. Boom! 💥
The SEO web writing is a writing method designed to help improve the classification of a website in the results of the search engines.
It involves the use of key words to optimize the content and structure it to answer a given question, this is called search intent. If a web page answers in a complete, structured and simple way to what the user is looking for, it is "rewarded" by the search engines with a good ranking. SEO web copywriting includes, on the one hand, the content creation and interesting for the readers, and on the other hand the use of optimization techniques. These methods allow for a better analysis by search engines, thanks to tagging, structuring, the use of lexical fields and the creation of links.
In other words, SEO web copywriting is a process that combines the creation of interesting content built with technical copywriting optimization.
A redacteur web is a persondo which écrit of continus to internet. He peut produire of articles from blog, of descriptions from produits, of articles from background to of sites They produce content for white papers, ebooks, or sales pages for example. He differs from the community manager who produces content for the networks sociaous.
A redacteon web can également effectuer of recherches and of interviews to créer a varieté from continus web. Inend, it can aussi rescrewer, edit and optimiser the continu existant to the makesre more attrayant and more utisland to the internautes.
A good redacteur web doit être capable d'écrire of continus intéressants and informatifs which suscitent l'intérêt and encouragedagent the lecteurs à lire more loin. He doit aussi posséder a gooddo conbirth of moteurs from recherche and of techniques from reférencement afin from créer of continus optimiss. Unlike a paper writer, the web writer must apply different techniques so that his content can be found organically by Internet users.
Farea appel à a redacteur web is a excellent moyin from créer from continu from quality to yourre site web. A professionnel of the editorial staff peut aider à améliorer the reférencement from yourre site in créant of continus optimiss to the moteurs from recherche, this which goes contribuer à améliorer yourre screwibilité on Internet. A redacteur web you aide à atyouindre vbones objectifs in matiera from marketing and à go to go to a message clair and efficace à yourre public cible!
Por connaître the quality d'a redaction, it is important from vérifier if the texyou is bien structoné, riche in continu and in vocabulaire, and if the fautes d'orthographe and from grammyire have eté hornrigées. Udo redaction from quality must également être clarea and concise, and prsenter of arguments cohérents and groundides.
Finally, it is obviously important from vérifier if the texyou is relevant, intéressant to the lectand unique!
The services d'a redacteur web peuwind aider à améliorer yourre reférencement, à genérer from trafic on yourre site and à établir a prsence in ligne more foryou. From more, a redacteur web peut vYou can visit aider à créer from continu from quality which engagera vbones lecteurs and which vYou can visit aidera à atyouindre vbones objectifs commercialciaous.
But for this to be profitable, the web writer must be as comfortable with the writing as with the organic referencing techniques. One cannot be done without the other! A good web copywriter allows you to sell more, so it's investing in your business to reach more people and convert better!
At Flowr Agency, we make it a point of honor to respect our commitments and to ensure total transparency on our achievements. Writing takes time! A good article can take 2 full days of work, but also several hundreds or thousands of visitors per month on a single page!
Depending on your needs, your objectives and your budget, we establish together a content plan based on an audit of your current positions, a keyword research and a competitive analysis. This analysis allows us to set up a growth strategy and to indicate the duration and the elements of our collaboration.
What could be better than having a human at phone to meet your needs ?
At Flowr Agency, we always favour the contact and transparencythroughout our history. collaboration. So, are you ready?