Instagram account heating tips Flowr Agency

[ Instagram account heating, what's that? 🤓📸 ]

Want to boost your Instagram account? Tired of stagnating? 😟
I'm going to tell you how to heat up your Instagram account if you ever want to get back into it, and the steps you need to take to get there 👌 :
🛑 NEVER start from scratch, capitalize on what you have if you already have an account 🙃
✅ Take over your existing account
✅ Put the name of your company:
👉 if needed, put a new name
👉 puts an @ in adequacy with the name of your company
✅ Add a new image / logo to your profile
✅ Write a powerful new bio
✅ Put 3 to 5 stories on the front page (thumbnail to be placed below your bio)

Instagram account heater: recommendations for your feed:

👉 For your editable posts: edit them, adapting your text if not developed, adding emojis and especially adding relevant hashtags
👉 For the non-modifiable ones: delete them!

Good practices :

✅ Never publish just one publication, put up 6, 9 or 12 to start with already having content to contribute
✅ Set up a hashtag signature: it's # + your brand name (example: #flowragency)
✅ Why not do a giant square: that's splitting a photo into multiple images on Instagram. It takes away all spontaneity, looks planned and doesn't look great visually until all the posts are in place. To stand out on Instagram and gain visibility, dare to use image grids and panoramic photos!
✅ Do a subscription campaign: this consists of an Instagram boost with the targeting of redirecting to the Instagram profile in order to acquire subscribers (these will be people who will immediately understand the interest that your pro profile has for them)
✅ Do 3 to 6 publications per week
✅ Publish 1 to 3 stories per day
✅ Realize one real per week
✅ Cross-referencing on other social networks
✅ Don't hesitate to recycle your reels into #TikTok
✅ Link your Insta pro profile with your Facebook page (multiple permanent posts and stories)
✅ Work with nano and micro influencers in your field
✅ Carry out a first test campaign by sponsoring an Instagram / Facebook post