the best user experience

The best user experience:

Can you improve the performance of your website? 🔥

We use the new year to do some analysis reports on our recent websites and see how they are performing. 

✔️ How many visitors per month? 

✔️ How long do people stay on the site? 

✔️ What is the bounce rate? 

✔️ Where is the traffic coming from? 

✔️ What are the "hot zones" that people fly over?

✔️ Which content performs better? 

✔️ On what device do people view the site? Are all the pages perfectly suited for small screens?

✔️ What are the keywords that help find the site organically?

✔️ How have the numbers changed since last month? Since last year?


➡️ How do you track and improve your website?


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