#assistant code

Amazon CodeWhisperer

Amazon CodeWhisperer is a machine learning (ML)-based service that helps improve developer productivity by generating code recommendations based on their natural language feedback and code in the integrated development environment (IDE).

Why use Amazon CodeWhisperer ?

Amazon CodeWhisperer is a security tool for developers that aims to help teams detect and fix security vulnerabilities in their code. It uses automated code analysis techniques to identify potential weaknesses in applications, such as SQL injections, unauthorized access and data leaks.

The benefits of using Amazon CodeWhisperer include:

It can detect security vulnerabilities in code at an early stage, allowing developers to fix them before they are exploited.
It can automate the security verification process, saving time and resources for developers.
It can be integrated with existing development tools, such as version control systems and build tools.
It can provide detailed information about the detected vulnerabilities, including specific lines of code and instructions for fixing them.

Key benefits of Amazon CodeWhisperer

It can automate the security verification process, saving time and resources for developers.


Amazon CodeWhisperer

Discover Amazon CodeWhisperer now

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