Discover our latest achievements.

We help our clients grow their businesses. We try to be part of their business and meet their needs. Here are some examples of how we have helped our clients achieve their goals.


De 0 à 30K visiteurs pour la start-up Postumo.

Postumo, une start-up proposant des services innovants de prévoyance et de gestion automatisée des formalités décès de manière 100 % sécurisée, a fait appel à Flowr Agency pour accroître sa visibilité, crée sa notoriété, et développer son acquisition de leads à travers une stratégie digitale 360 et des campagnes ciblées.

Gîte de Liresse : Un site WordPress pour un havre de paix en Belgique.

Étude de cas d'une création de site WordPress : comment Flowr Agency a créé un site internet pour un gîte au cœur des Ardennes Belges.

ExpatStudent USA : Un nouveau site web pour les étudiants américains.

Flowr Agency a conçu le nouveau site web d'Expat Student USA, destiné aux adolescents américains souhaitant étudier en Grande-Bretagne.

Nomad Riders: The web + SEO redesign that makes results gallop.

Learn Purchasing is the blog of Fabrice Ménelot, expert in corporate purchasing performance. He publishes articles on his blog to encourage buyers to improve their skills, but also to help newcomers discover the profession.

Web redesign: A new lease on life for Learn to Shop.

Learn Purchasing is the blog of Fabrice Ménelot, expert in corporate purchasing performance. He publishes articles on his blog to encourage buyers to improve their skills, but also to help newcomers discover the profession.

Digital is a bit like cooking: there are undeniable things that work, and yet it's always possible to innovate, to experiment, to be surprised. Marketing means never getting bored.

We have been lucky enough to coach more than 70 entrepreneurs from very different fields, with a particular appetite for subjects related to education, language learning, tourism, NGOs and ethical entrepreneurship. 

We like to implement tailor-made digital strategies, creative ideas and optimized campaigns, while reusing those ingredients that we know bring success and satisfaction of a job well done. 

You will discover on this page some of the projects which we enjoyed working on. Of course, they are not all there and some of them have already evolved, that's the principle of long-term support 😉 


You will discover through these case studies the stories of Audrey, Fabrice, Nina, Alexandra, Jean-Charles, Elisabeth, Louise, Mathias, Aline, Marine, Nicolas, Michèle, David, Marie, Yona, Pierre, Sanna, Catherine, Mathilde, Kevin, Daphne, Peter, Marc, Marving...

They are entrepreneurs at different stages of their growth who chos to trust digital marketing to boost their visibility. To all of them, thank you for your trust. 

Through these pages, you will also discover a sample of our skills, learn a little more about our process and how we have played a role in turning concepts, ideas and visions into reality. 

Enjoy your reading! 

The Flowr Power in a few figures

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