[ How many words to use on your web pages? 
How many words to use on your web pages?
It is important in the structure of your homepage to respect not only the presence of certain elements, but also a set of good practices.
You have 8 seconds to convince people on your site. All the content you provide during this "first impression" must convince them to stay.
According to a study by Google, homepages that arrive organically in the first page results have an average of 1650 words, so don't be stingy with information!
Good to know:
Below 350 words on a page your content will be invisible to Google
Between 350 and 600 words Google may index one or two keywords
Between 600 and 950 words you will have the minimum content for the search engine to be a little interested
Between 950 and 2000 words to provide a rich content that will allow an optimal indexation and the multiplication of short and long tail keywords, the use of synonyms and semantic field, the creation of bullet lists, which will allow an optimal performance of your page