Wix or WordPress: what to choose to create your website?

You are trying to choose between Wix and WordPress to build your website? While WordPress is the most popular website builder in the world, it is not the only option.
In this article, we will compare Wix and WordPress and highlight advantages and disadvantages of each platform. We hope that with this comparison of the two website creation toolsYou will be able to decide which platform best suits your needs and you will be confident in creating your website!

Wix or WordPress: ease of use

Most beginners choose Wix or WordPress because they don't want to hire a web designer. Wix and WordPress will both allow you to create websites without having to learn to code.

Wix, pure ease

Wix comes with powerful and easy to use tools to create your own website. It offers a simple drag and drop interface where you can select any element of your site and start editing it in a WYSIWYG interface (acronym for What You See Is What You Get, in concrete terms you see the visual rendering of your work throughout the construction process).

You can drag and drop elements anywhere on your site, rearrange elements on your pages, write content and add media in a user-friendly environment. Many beginners would find this feature very useful, as it saves them from having to manipulate code.

WordPress, a bit harder but quick to set up!

WordPress comes with a visual editor to write your content, and a theme customizer that allows you to modify the properties of your theme in a WYSIWYG environment. However, by default, WordPress is not not delivered with an integrated drag-and-drop page generator.
To have full control over the appearance, users will need to familiarize yourself with the different sectionss like navigation menus, blog post editor or widgets.
However, there are thousands of themes that make customization easier.

Finally, for a complete, visual and simple experience, WordPress offers builders that allow you to build each element of the site in a visual way using click and drag. Visual Composer, WP Bakery, Elementor... these extensions greatly facilitate the task of creating harmonized visuals and can even manage compatibility and rendering on small screens from the back office with ease.

Wix or WordPress, which is easier to use?

Wix is clearly the winner in this area. Users don't need to spend a lot of time learning how to manage the platform or install plugins before they can start building their website. WordPress requires a learning curve, especially to install a builder and choose the right extensions, so it is less easy to use for novices.

However, WordPress offers multiple customization options and (many, many) tools to make building easy. Themes like Divi that offer much more powerful features than Wix. Wix is the easiest to use, but WordPress offers far greater flexibility.

Design and layout

The design and layout of your site plays an important role in the success of its construction. Every site owner needs a design that is not only beautiful, but also user-friendly and creates a brand image strong.

A nice panel of templates with the Wix tool

Wix offers over 500 predefined templates for you to choose from. All Wix designs are fully responsive and written in HTML5. With built-in tools, you can further customize your site design, change the layout and rearrange elements as needed.
to you.

There are templates for each type of site. The templates are divided into
categories such as business, e-commerce, leisure, crafts,
staff, etc.

One big drawback is that once you select a template, you can't change it. You can modify and customize it as much as you want using only the built-in tools, but you can't switch to another template.

Infinite possibilities with the WordPress CMS

There are thousands of free and paid themes for WordPress. Free themes have limited support, but are subject to a strict review process. Paid themes usually offer more features and come with premium support options.

WordPress themes range from small personal sites to full-fledged e-commerce sites. Most themes come with their own customization options. You can also use one of the many plugins to customize your WordPress themes.

Users can download themes in the theme directory of the website builder internet. In addition, you can hire a developer or learn how to create a fully customized theme for your business.

Plugins and applications between WordPress and WIX

Plugins and apps are third-party extensions that you can use with your platform to add additional functionality. Wix calls them apps, and in the WordPress ecosystem, they're called plugins.

Let's compare the apps and plugins available on both platforms and what you can do with them.


Wix comes with over 200 apps that you can add to your site. These apps offer a wide range of features like adding contact forms, gallery, comments, social media buttons, email marketing, etc.

Most applications are free or have a lite version. Other applications require monthly payments and their prices vary. Although the collection of applications is limited, they cover most of the features most frequently requested by site owners.

Infinity always extends with WP

More than 60,000 free plugins are available in the WP plugin directory alone. That's not counting the premium plugins available on other marketplaces. They say if you can think of a feature, there's probably a WordPress plugin that makes it possible.

Whether you want to create a contact form, install Google Analytics, create a membership website or sell online courses, there is a plugin for that.

You can do just about anything you want with WordPress. There are many plugins, both free and paid, that you can use to create the website of your dreams.

Wix vs WordPress, which one is better for blogs?

Many users are looking for an easier platform to start blogging. Both Wix and WordPress can be used to create blogs. Let's see which one is more suitable.

Blogging with Wix

Wix allows you to easily add a blog section to your website. It has all the basic features of a blog that you will commonly use. For example, categories and tags, photos and videos, archives, etc.

WIX lacks several features like background images, backdated posts, private post creation, and more.

The interface for writing blog posts is not the same as the Wix website builder. Instead, it uses a plain text editor that is very limited in terms of formatting options.

Blogging with WordPress

WordPress started as a blogging platform and has evolved into a true website builder. Today, it powers more than one in three sites on the entire web.

It has all the blogging features you'll ever need, like a native commenting system and all the other advanced features that Wix lacks.

Wix or WordPress: which one to choose for SEO?

vecteurs libre illustration du concept moteur recherche 114360 306 Wix ou Wordpress : que choisir pour créer son site internet ? 2025

Before we look at what the best platform is in this area, let's take a step back and understand what search engine optimization (SEO) really is.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of making changes to your site to improve its chances of ranking high in search engine results pages.

There are many changes you can make to improve your website's SEO, and all of them are taken into account by search engines, like Google and Bing, when they create ranking algorithms.

WordPress and Wix actually have something in common when it comes to SEO, both rely on applications or plugins.

On WordPress, you need to install a plugin called Yoast. Yoast is the leading SEO plugin for WordPress, and is used by over 5 million websites. It offers both free and paid services, although the free option is more limited.

In conclusion, should we choose Wix or WordPress for SEO?

Both Wix and WordPress offer robust SEO. Both Wix and WordPress have basic SEO tools built in, and both offer apps or plugins that give you access to more advanced SEO features. However, WP offers much more
possibilities in terms of customization. Some factors such as speed and code optimization can be done directly on your site, which is not possible with the wix solution.


WordPress is far superior to Wix as a web publishing platform for any type of website. While Wix offers an easy to use website creation tool, you can accomplish much more with WordPress in the long run.

We hope this article has helped you compare Wix and WordPress and learn about the pros and cons. You can also check out our practical tips on how to manage traffic to your new WordPress site.

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