Redesign of the French pop singer Hazerka's website

Hazerka is a young French pop singer committed to the fight against bullying and violence in schools. A recognized artist who has built his story and his career around his personal experiences, he uses his fame to communicate, educate and fight on a daily basis, getting involved with high schools to make his voice heard and put an end to violence in schools.

Project Hazeka, a rejuvenated obsolete website

With more than a million followers on social networks and a growing audience, Hazerka approached us to update his old and unclear website.

We helped him define the type of content he needed to have on his page to speak to his audience and created a new modern graphic identity and a clear and concise presentation of his content. We highlighted his visuals and videos, as well as optimized the page for SEO to help school principals find him when they are looking for a bullying speaker.

Hazerka's challenge: to take up the existing to pass the message clearly

Hazerka needed someone to guide him in terms of content and help him define clear goals for his site.

  • Who is the site for?
  • What tone should we use to speak to our target audience?
  • What will visitors be looking for?
  • How should the content be displayed to convey the desired message?
  • How do you establish authority and demonstrate expertise?
  • What actions do we want visitors to take?
  • How can we organize the page to get visitors to take action and get involved?
  • What keywords will school principals type in to find the young singer they want?

The existing website lacked clarity and the images were unfortunately displayed in a separate section, which had an impact on navigation and lacked consistency.

a minimalist website, clear and compatible with all screen sizes

Hazerka needed someone to guide him in terms of content and help him define clear goals for his site.
  • Who is the website aimed at?
  • Which tone should we use to speak to our target audience?
  • What will your visitors be looking for?
  • How should the content be displayed to convey the desired message?
  • How do you establish authority and demonstrate expertise?
  • What actions do we want visitors to take?
  • How can we organize the page to get visitors to take action and get involved?
Unfortunately, the images were displayed in a separate section, which had an impact on the navigation and lacked coherence.

1. The challenge

Understand the needs.

2. The objectives

Set clear objectives.

The objective was to redesign the existing one-page website into a modern site with a concise but accurate message, showing the singer's biography and values.The second point was to reassure schools and invite them to contact him for future conferences on bullying in schools.
We asked questions and watched the artist's many videos.From songs to interviews, Hazerka uses his personal experience to lead the fight against bullying and harassment in schools.Using his existing black logo and the photos he took, we built a new structure, adding social proof throughout the process.

The methodology

Follow the method.

4. The solutions

What have we done for them.

With more than 50 % of global website traffic generated by mobile phones in 2020, a key point was to create a fully responsive website that worked equally well on phones, tablets and desktops.We created a mosaic structure to display as many photos and videos as possible while maintaining a balanced look and feel and matching media to the corresponding content.We added some dynamic elements with movement on the images, a background video and dynamic counters to make scrolling the page more entertaining.Finally, the page was optimized for SEO to rank high in search engines.