what is social proof?

What is social proof?

Why social proof?
Establish your authority and show visitors that they can trust you... and for that, there is nothing better than social proof!
Tell me:
❓ Do you check Amazon reviews before buying a product?
❓ Do you look at the comments before investing in a computer?
❓ Do you prefer a garage recommended by a friend?
❓ Are you more likely to trust a provider if they've been recommended to you?
❓ In your shopping cart, do you put the package of cookie X or the one your mother has been talking about for the past two weeks, swearing that they are not only good but also not too sweet for children?
❓ Do you choose the full restaurant or the empty restaurant? (When possible, of course!)
Your website is the same.
➡ Show your visitors that you are trustworthy
➡ Put the opinions of those who already trust you
➡ Skull a little. Yes, yes, it's not forbidden
➡ Or make yourself look good by showing off your nice partnerships or the prizes you've been awarded
➡ Show your results
Yes, but how?

On a website there are many ways to establish social proof, here are some of them:

  • Your customers' logos
  • Key figures on the company, on your results
  • Your partners' logos
  • The logos of the organizations you are part of
  • Mention or visuals of the prizes or contests you have won
  • Testimonials
  • Before / after
  • Namedropping of influencers or famous people
Anything that makes you look good and feel good!