optimization of video pages

Tips for optimizing video pages :

Yes, you heard right! You could be much more successful using videos on your landing pages than using images (and that goes for Insta too 👆).

Admit it, we're 20x more glued to IGTV, Youtube or Facebook video feeds than we used to be, and the video consumption is just mind-blowing! 🤯😱😍

Having good content on landing pages is important for your visitors but don't forget what was said before: authenticity is key.


❓So, what can you make a video about?

Your visitors might be curious to see a video in which the product or service is explained, or the team talking about the product, or perhaps an example of how your services have benefited others.

It doesn't have to be a crazy production, it can be something simple, like you talking at your computer, or reading a powerpoint.

There are landing pages that use animated videos with a voiceover, it's pretty simple and it works too ☺️.


➡️ Tell your customers what they want to hear:

✔️ Think about your potential customers visiting the page.

✔️ Would you buy what you sell?

✔️ What are some of the questions they have?

✔️ What are their concerns?

✔️ What are they looking for?


Answer these questions in the video.

Keep it simple

Give them your one-minute sales pitch on why they should choose you, what makes you different, how it works and answer their questions.

If you do these things, you will see an increase in conversions 😉 .