

Discover 4496+ free icons in 313 collections

Why use Iconmonstr ?

Iconmonstr is an online platform that offers a collection of free vector icons to use in your design projects. The platform was created in 2012 by Alexander Kahlkopf, a German developer with a passion for design.

Iconmonstr's icon collection has over 8,000 icons in various categories, ranging from technology to nature to social networks and media. All icons are available for download in SVG format, and can be modified and customized to your needs.

One of the best things about Iconmonstr is that the icons are designed to be easily recognizable and have a uniform look. This means that you can use the platform's icons to create a consistent and professional user interface without having to spend time designing your own icons.

In addition to the free icon collection, Iconmonstr also offers a custom order service for those who need something specific. If you have a specific icon need that is not covered by the basic collection, you can contact Iconmonstr's customer service and ask them to design a custom icon for you.

In addition to its basic features, Iconmonstr also offers resources for designers, such as tutorials and design tips. If you're new to design or looking to improve your skills, these resources could be very useful for you.

In short, Iconmonstr is a must-have platform for anyone looking to get professional quality icons to use in their design projects. The basic collection is free and extensive, and the custom ordering service is available for those who need something specific. In addition to that, Iconmonstr also offers useful resources for both novice and experienced designers.

Key benefits of Iconmonstr

It is compatible with all major browsers and operating systems.


Discover 4496+ free icons in 313 collections

Discover Iconmonstr now

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