

Self-hosted Node.js based analytics tool for those who care about privacy.

Why use Ackee ?

The ackee is a tropical fruit native to the West African region. It is particularly popular in Jamaica, where it is eaten as a vegetable and used in many local recipes.

The ackee has an oval shape and a red or yellow skin when ripe. Inside, there is a white or yellowish flesh surrounded by many black seeds. The fruit must be picked before it reaches full maturity, as it is then considered poisonous.

To prepare ackee, it is first necessary to cut off the top of the fruit and remove the seeds. The flesh is then cooked with salted fish, bacon or tofu, as well as tomatoes, onions and chilies, to create the Jamaican national dish known as ackee and saltfish. It can also be used as an ingredient in many other recipes, such as omelets, soups and stews.

Outside of Jamaica, ackee is also grown in other tropical regions of the world, including Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean. Despite its popularity, it is important to note that ackee should be handled with care as it can be toxic if not prepared properly.

In summary, ackee is a popular tropical fruit in Jamaica and other tropical regions of the world. It is used in many local recipes and should be handled with care due to its potential toxicity.

Key benefits of Ackee

Customizable and extensible: Ackee is designed to be easily customizable and extensible to fit the specific needs of developers. It can be easily configured to integrate a large number of third-party services, such as payment providers, data providers, etc.


Self-hosted Node.js based analytics tool for those who care about privacy.

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